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Unclamping Cylinder Features
(1).The Unclamping Cylinder is equipped with patented Oil Level
Detecting System, the System can effectively prevent from dangers of
incomplet tool Clamping / Unclamping :
As aware, ordinary Unclamping Cylinders are combinations of
pneumatic and hydraulic systems. The Output Ratio and Discharge
Volume, which get the Pressuring Stroke (ie the stroke of the Direct
Operated Power Unit Cylinder), are converted by the area ratio of the
Piston. However, few of the operators will pay attention to the oil level
of the Unclamping Cylinder on the machine tools after a period of time
of operation. Unexpected accident might occur when the oil level of
the Unclamping Cylinder is insufficient. DETER Oil Level Detecting
System can effectively figure out the low oil level, this can prevent from
danger of incomplete Clamping / Unclamping.
(2).The Unclamping Cylinder is equipped with patented Mechanical
Adjustable Spindle Air Blasting System, it makes sure of the air blasting
to be actuated right after tool unclamping.
In conventional design, the actuations for tool unclamping and air
blasting are occurred simultaneously, this will cause to the Air Barrier
phenomenon in the draw bar. The Air Barrier phenomenon is that,
when the tool unclamping and air blasting actuate simultaneously, the
air blasting will cause to the oil and coolant moisture accumulation in
the drawbar during pushing down of the Unclamping Cylinder, then
after pushing down, the pressure accumulation will cause tool holder
to impact on the tool arm, the impact cause to increasing of side-force
load toward the tool arm. In the meantime, the spitting of oil and
coolant moisture will reduce the lifespan of the spindle.
(3).A Micro-regulator Mechanism for the cylinder stretching length is
installed on top of the cylinder body. Another Micro-regulator
Mechanism for pushing distance regulation is located at the contacting
end. Both mechanisms on the Unclamping Cylinder provide high
accuracy and convenience for the device regulation.
(4).The patented Multiple-Force design on the Unclamping Cylinder can
hugely reduce the space occupation and increase the maximum